Thank you for signing up to be a vendor with us at Bloomington Craft Beer Fest – we’re looking forward to a fantastic event!

To ensure a safe and fun event for all please carefully review all the information below. If you have any questions and/or need any clarifications, please reach out to Shanna at or by phone/text at 206.661.6478. Please note that I will be limited on all communication after Thursday 4/11/24 so please get any major request in asap and I’ll get to you asap!  Please read thoroughly before reaching out!


Saturday, April 13, 2024

2pm Early Entry Ticketholders  |   3-6 pm General Admission Ticketholders

2023 Attendees: 1677 not including volunteers/vendors/staff Sell out 2500


Historic Woolery Mill

2250 W Sunstone Dr, Bloomington, IN 47403



You will check in with a volunteer at the brewery/vendor check in located at the south end of the Woolery Mill building.  All vendors and staff must be 21+ and have valid ID.


Parking is first come, first served in the Mill parking lot.

Bloomington 2024 Press Kit with MAP

Please reference this map the most up to date layout of the festival layout. This is where you’ll find your booth location.  Please NOTE!  Vendors are not allowed in the Brewers Hideout for any reason.  This spot is reserved for breweries and volunteers ONLY!  If you are found in the hideout you will be asked to leave and will not be asked back to our events. 


Saturday, April 13th |  10 a.m. – 1 p.m. (vehicles must be out by 12:45 p.m.)

To make load-in easier and to minimize confusion, please allow yourself extra time for any delays. Traffic can be busy, and late arrival can cause difficulties for you and others. With the large number of participants, you’ll want to arrive as early as possible. 



Electricity will not be provided to your booth unless prior arrangements have been made.  (food vendors excluded)


The Guild will provide an 8′ table, and two chairs for each booth.  Ice can be purchased at $4 per 20lb bag if available.


You’re welcome and encouraged to bring a standard-sized popup tent – up to 10’x10′ to use in your booth space, especially if the weather is at all misty.


As a reminder, here are the festival guidelines for your booth – Food vendors please see your registration for additional info & health department permits.

In exchange for said fee, Vendor will receive the following:

  1. Vendor shall have access to the location no less than three hours prior to the start of the Event for set up.
  2. Vendor understands that merchandise sold at the festival must not include glass growlers, pint glasses or any other vessel that could hold beer unless prior written consent given by authorized IBG’s staff.
  3. Vendor agrees that its setup will not exceed allotted space, approx. 10’ x 10’
  4. Vendor agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Indiana, Indiana Brewers Guild and those of the Event Venue.
  5. Vendor agrees to have one staff person at the booth at all times during said Event hours.
  6. No loud music, noise, or sound amplification devices shall be used by vendor’s staff at the location unless prior permission given.
  7. Vendor understands electricity is NOT available unless prior arrangements have been made.
  8. Vendor agrees to leave booth area in the same or better condition to which it was received.  Vendor will use recycling and trash bins provided on the festival site and will break down all supply/inventory boxes.  Vendors who do not comply with the clean requirements will be charged a $50 cleanup fee and possibly not receive future invitations to participate in any Brewers of Indiana Guild events/festivals.
  9. Vendor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indiana Brewers Guild staff, board of directors and agents against any damages or claims that may arise in connection with Vendor’s presence at the Event and Vendor’s activities of any kind.