New in 2022, the Guild has created an education fund specifically to provide continuing education opportunities to staff at member breweries.

Over the past several years, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of employees in the brewing industry leaving for work in other industries. The goal of this new effort is to raise funds that can be used to cover the costs of a variety of continuing education for people working for member breweries as a method of increasing the skill level of the pool of employees in the industry and providing a benefit to stay in the brewing industry.



As a 501(c)(6) nonprofit  trade association, our mission is to work as hard as possible to protect and represent the breweries in our state, and we’re very humbled but also honored to involve our community in our latest fundraising efforts.  Access to this ongoing fund will be an added benefit to BIG membership. Funds are raised through various programming each year at festivals, special events, beer releases, etc. to build the fund.

Member breweries in good standing can apply for funding to support members of their team to participate in education that will increase their skill set and knowledge within the industry. Education can be achieved from a variety of sources including Guild events, Brewers Association events, online training, university-sponsored courses, certificate programs, etc. so long as the material is directly linked to the brewing industry. Travel and meal expenses are not eligible for funding.

Additionally, funds may be used to provide new educational offerings hosted by the Guild at no cost to the membership in its entirety.



The application will be available in an online form and open to any member brewery in good standing once the fund is available. Approved education should be completed during the membership period in which the brewery’s membership is current and a short report should be completed and returned upon completion of any training for education tracking and marketing purposes.

Applications will be reviewed as they’re submitted and approved by a committee selected by the Board of Directors. The committee will review applications to ensure qualifications have all been met and will make approvals as entries are received.

Applications will be approved only as funding is available. The review committee will provide monthly reports to the Board of Directors. Staff will assist in distribution of funds.


If you have questions about how the program works and/or would like to make a donation to support the effort, please contact julia@drinkin.beer.