INCBC RFP Overview

The RFP process serves to identify speakers for INCBC events and workshops. As speaking opportunities emerge, applications will be considered from the speakers who submitted RFPs.

The Guild welcomes its members as speakers and may also use outside speakers at events. Applicants may submit proposals for multiple topics.

Presentation Topics

We seek presenters to share leading-edge ideas, inspire discussions and convey the fundamentals for growing businesses. Topics are selected based on member surveys, success of past events, timeliness of topics and relevance of topic to craft beer professionals.

Previous Topics Include

Taproom Culture, Non Alcoholic Beer, Yeast, Hops, Malt, Marketing, HR, Legal/Lobbying Efforts, Industry Trends, and more.

Each program has different goals, objectives and audiences. BIG will decide the best fit for the speakers and presentation topics. The goals of all BIG events and education are to:

Speaker Responsibilities

BIG Responsibilities

Aggressively promote the event, speaker, and subject matter through a variety of BIG communication vehicles:


Your input is valued and will be carefully considered by our conference planning and education committee and board. BIG will respond to your submission within a month of receiving it. We appreciate all submissions and if you are not selected for this upcoming program year, we welcome you to submit again for the following year. Opportunities will be afforded first to program themes and then speakers that fit those themes for a designated program.

How to Submit

Please complete the form below to submit your information and proposed topic details to the BIG Education/conference planning committee for consideration. Please submit completed application along with the following:


    1. A list of three to five learning objectives
    2. The specific benefits & materials participants will take away
    3. How you plan to engage the audience in interacting with one another
    4. Why this topic is essential knowledge for craft beverage business owners
    5. What makes your treatment of this topic unique
    6. How you gained your expertise on this subject
    7. Your stipend/hotel/budget requirements


Once the committee has selected your presentation we’ll schedule reviews with you to discuss.

      • Presentation Sample (DVD, PPT or Web Link)
      • 100-Word Biography
      • High-Resolution Headshot (in JPG OR PNG format)
      • Include references from two or three organizations where you have previously presented
      • Presentation Materials/Handouts

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Brewers of Indiana Guild and the Hoosier Craft Beer community!

INCBC RFP Form Submission
